Chef Lamana – Culinary Healing

This afternoon I had the chance to capture some images of Chef Lamana.  When I arrived the sun outside was just perfect and so we quickly took advantage of the best light on the planet.  After a few shots outside we headed inside to capture a few photographs of  Lamana within her territory which is the kitchen.  Not too long afterwards her little princess came walking into the room  so we captured a few precious mother and daughter moments.







One thought on “Chef Lamana – Culinary Healing

  1. Libby

    Ivan!!! I love these shots. First off, the chef is a beautiful woman. If I had to choose my absolute favorite, it would have to be the third shot – only because she looks more in her element – in the kitchen! I do notice that although her smile is beautiful, there is a different sparkle when her baby is in the shots, especially the fourth one. She’s got to love these! Well done, my friend. Well done.

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