Monthly Archives: February 2009

HART Design Group – Architectural Photos

On Friday of last week I had the opportunity to capture some interior photographs for HART Design Group.   Below are a few of the images.

The building in which all the changes took place is the Blue Cross Blue Shield/Duke building in Durham, NC.



Here is a lecture hall that was just recently completed.


Mr. Weaver – Union Independent School

I had the privilege of photographing Mr. Weaver “Head of School” for Union Independent School.  He has a vision for the poverty stricken youth of Durham and he’s spending his days and evenings working towards seeing the dream realized.   He has been given the task of getting Union Independent School up and running so that when construction is complete they can start positively impacting the lives of the youth. He is going to provide less fortunate children within the city of Durham with opportunities that they normally wouldn’t have the chance to experience. If we had more people like Mr. Weaver in this world and it surely would be a better place.

Visit for all of your photographic needs.

University of NC Buildings -Chapel Hill by Bullock Building Company

This past Saturday I had the opportunity to capture some architectural photographs of roughly 15 buildings on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill  for Bullock Building Company.  They specialize in new construction as well as building restoration.  Below are a few of the buildings.


Visit for all of your photographic needs.

Super Bowl 43- Event Planner Cynthia Farmer

Last night I was invited to the super bowl party of Rev. Joe and Shirrell McNeill. For the food, Event Coordinator Cynthia Farmer was brought in to ensure that everyone would have enough eats as they yelled, screamed, stomped, did high fives, showed disappointed and talked smack during the game. At one point I saw two ladies making a lot of noise, jumping around and giving each other LOUD high fives directly in front of the screen. At that point in time I had already put my camera away but boy do I wish I had it at that time.

Okay let’s get back to the eats. I was given strict orders that after I captured the food I had to lock my camera up in my car so that I wouldn’t be taking pictures all night. The whole point was that they were going to force me to relax verses working and capturing the moments.

Below you will see some of the food related decorations from Cynthia Farmer as well as some strategically placed candles to help with the friendly atmosphere.