Monthly Archives: October 2010

Classy Couple – Matthew & Tracey Part II

Last weekend I had a great time hanging out with Matt & Tracey.  We were able to work on several concepts and get them captured.  They are truly one of the coolest couples that I’ve ever worked with.  You can see some of the images from our shoot below.

Camera gear used: Two Sony A700’s,  Alien Bee Strobes and some other stuff.




1/4 Page Ad

I’ve never bought an ad to do any advertising so this is a first for me.  In my previous posting I shared that we just completed a project of converting a hard copy version of a year book to DVD format.   The 1970 reunion committee asked if I wanted to take out an advertisement in their booklet.  After giving this some thought I decided that I would go with the 1/4 page but I  didn’t want just plain text.   Below is the image that will be used in the booklet.


Hillside High School Class of 1970 Year Book DVD

This had to be one of the most interesting projects that I’ve had in the past few months.  Yes, I’ve photographed some exciting events but this project was cut from a different mold.   The HHS Class of 1970 committee approached me with a unique idea.  They wanted to know if I could convert their hard copy year book into a DVD that other class members could purchase and watch.   The main thing I needed to hear was that we had permission from the original company from a copy right point of view.  Each page was too large to be scanned and so I had to photograph each one.

After several meetings & proposals we settled on what the final product would be.   One request was related to the look and feel of the DVD Label.  They said it should be “retro”.   With that being understood I came up with the afro/bell bottom design below and they approved it.


Below is the DVD menu that plays before the actual yearbook is shown. 

Business Card Design – Higher Heights

Not too long ago I was contacted by Wendy Reynolds who is  an editor with  “Beauty Come Forth” magazine.  She explained that she was in need of a new business card for her “Higher Heights” brand.

As we spoke on the phone we brainstormed on several concepts and after a little while I was able to catch the vision of what she does.   Her requirements were that the card should give a person the feeling of being inspired, give the sense of the ability to achieve, contain the primary colors pink and white and last but not least be completely different from any other card that another person might have in their wallet.    

As I awoke from a nap I saw the design as clear as day in my head.  The vision that was revealed to me is now realized in the two sided card below.  I thank God for the ability He has given me to start tapping into a more creative side of life.


