Category Archives: 01-Portraiture

Tony Cozart

My phone rang and Tony Cozart was on the line telling me that he was in need of a relaxed business portrait that he could use.    Our plan was to setup a pure white background and then take the photos in front of that.   When I arrived at his business he showed me the shirt that he planned to wear.   The shirt  was blue. As I was sitting there putting a softbox together I noticed that the next room over from me was blue.   A light bulb went off in my head and I asked Tony if it would be okay to capture him in front the blue wall before we did the pure white shoot.   He was okay with that and after we carefully crafted the lighting we started shooting.   All it took was one viewing of the blue shirt in front of the blue wall and we agreed that there was no need to go pure white.  Below are a few of the images that we captured.

The Ricciardi Family – November 7, 2010

On Sunday I made my way to Winston-Salem, NC to capture some precious memories of the Ricciardi family.  Before the shoot I felt that it was important to ask the following question: “Do you want this to be a serious/formal shoot or do you want to have fun?”.  The mom told me that she wanted to have fun and that was all that I needed to hear.  The purpose for this shoot was to capture a formal portrait of the entire family to hang on their wall.  To make the session more interesting we did a few formal poses and the rest of the time we just  let loose and played.  













Les Long – Comedian

This past Saturday I had the chance to hook up with Les Long for a photoshoot at St. Augustine College in Raleigh, NC.   He’s currently working on a new comedy tour and needed new images for use on the posters and advertistments.   Just about the entire time Les was just cutting up.  You’ll even see in the first image where I even had to go off grid to try and keep up with what he doing.

You can learn more about Les and follow what he’s up to by visiting his website ->


Business Portraits With Helen

Helen is a make up artist about to launch her own line of products.  She was in need of some business images that could be easily cut out and used for posters, products, website etc.  This is why we went with a pure white background.  The shoot went well and I’m looking forward to seeing the launch of her makeup line.








Rev. Darryl Williams

Today I had the chance to work with Rev. Darryl Williams. He is a minister, counselor and musician. This photo session took  place in the  sanctuary of St. Joseph A.M.E. Church in Durham, NC where the pastor is Rev. Philip R Cousin, Jr.







The Halls Are Expecting

Time has flown by so fast.  Just last year I was running around “World Overcomers church” in Durham, NC capturing the wedding of Charleston & Takeila.   Now God has blessed them with a new child that will be here soon.





“Some” of The Girls From Studio Plus Hair Salon

A lot of times the workers in hair salons don’t get a lot of time to be in the spot light.  They are usually busy making others look their best. Not long ago the owner of  Studio Plus Hair Salon in Durham, NC gave her workers a treat.   She scheduled a day where they could dress up, do their make up and have their own photo shoots.    These are only a handful of images because there were many.  It was a fun shoot and I’m looking forward to round #2 with the other workers.


Valonda Calloway – Photoshoot

For anyone that has lived in the Triangle (NC) area for any length of time Mrs. Calloway’s face is a very familiar T.V. personality. Every time you would turn on the WRAL news Mrs. Calloway would be reporting on the breaking news which had just taken place.  She is now one of the hosts of the new T.V. Show “My Carolina Today”.  You can CLICK HERE TO SEE LEARN MORE about “My Carolina Today”.

When Valonda arrived she indicated that this was to be a fun shoot.   She didn’t want traditional “boring” portraiture.  As you can see from the images below she had a great time.



In the picture below I dared her to do the old dance called the “Cabbage Patch”.  I could never quite convince her to do it but when I attempted to demonstrate it… well… below is what happened.



Little Hollis

This past weekend I had the privilege to capture Little Ms. Hollis.  We went for two different types of looks.  A fun contemporary look and an older more classical look.  She loved the camera and really got lively and playful as we started to shoot.  She was an easy child to work with.

