Bridal Room – Angus Barn Pavilion – HART Design Group

Today I was back on the campus of Angus Barn to take a last external shot of the pavilion for HART Design Group.  While on the property I had the opportunity to meet the c0-owner of Angus Barn, Steve Thanhauser.

After looking at the building we came to the agreement that the sun was not in a good enough position to capture the shot that was wanted.  I was going to leave and head to Garner to take care of some business then simply come back later in the day.  When I was on 440-North  I received a call which contained a request from Steve.  It turns out that there is a bridal room in the Pavilion located in the women’s bathroom and he wanted it captured.

I agreed to capture the bridal dressing room once I had returned from Garner.  When I was allowed to enter the women’s bathroom I was amazed at the detail that went into decorating this room.   It was decked out with vintage wedding design elements.

Below are a few of the pictures from this set.













One thought on “Bridal Room – Angus Barn Pavilion – HART Design Group

  1. Libby

    Ok, Ivan. This is one gorgeous bathroom and you captured it well. Now you know what my favorite photograph is, right? You were right!!! The hand mirrors. Focusing only on the simplest of elements. Well done. :-)

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